Sunday, January 16, 2011

The 3 State Solution

Israel is becoming more and more schizophrenic. A recent poll from the Geocartography Research Institute found that 61% of Israelis think that the haredim should live separately. The haredim are the ultra-orthodox, rest-of-the-world-hating, wife-abusing, violent people in Israel that don’t pay taxes and also don’t have jobs. They are supported strictly by the government.
The question that the president of the Geocartography Research Institute, Prof. Avi Degani, posed to 500 Jewish Israelis – haredim, religious, traditional and secular – last week was whether they agreed with the notion that it would be better if haredim were to live in separate haredi locales, and would not be involved in the secular populace, for the benefit of both populations.
That’s only going to benefit one population. You know, the one that isn’t bat-shit religiously insane. If you let these people disengage from society, they are going to do nothing but become more and more radical. Expect nothing but violence from these already-violent people.

However, they have started to allow the haredi women to serve in the military… separately from everyone else.
The Israeli Army Intelligence Corps has approved the enlistment of 10 married ultra-Orthodox Jewish women, a military official said.

The women will be permitted to take their young children to the bases where they serve, Israel Radio reported.

The women will serve in intelligence units, including the 8200 Unit (an intelligence information and code-gathering operation), as well in computer engineering and other electronic functions, the radio said.

They will be completely segregated from male soldiers in accordance with their religious requirements, the report said.
Keep this shit up Israel and you are going to need a 3-state solution.

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